Note to English Students in Portogruaro / Lettorato

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Polo Universitario Portogruaro

Dear Students,

The Lettorato or “Corso Base” this year will be annual, and in the 1st semester on Thursday mornings from 11am to 1pm, starting on 4 October. The course is for all students who would like to practice listening, speaking, and writing skills, and grammar whenever necessary. The level is intermediate, from low to high (but if you are a near beginner, please come in any case).

A basic outline of the Lettorato (or Corso Base) is as follows:

Listening: Practice from online sources and practice exams.

Speaking: Small group + pair work to improve skills and prepare for the exam.

Writing: Emails, letters, paragraphs, notes, memos.

Hope to see you then!

Your English Language Teacher/Professor

Anna Csaki

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 03-09-2018 - 11:02