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23-29 june 2019 23rd TRIESTE JOYCE SCHOOL
Tipologia evento:
The Trieste Joyce School wishes to thank DiSU – Department of Humanities, Università di Trieste, Comune di Trieste, the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Ireland, Italy, for their generous sponsorship and support.
In 2020, the Trieste Joyce School will not take place as we will host the XXVII International James Joyce Symposium “Omniscientific Joyce” from 15-19 June. All plenary events at the symposium will be sponsored by the Trieste Joyce School.
Gavan Kennedy’s Finnegan Wakes Film Project (https://www.facebook.com/groups/finneganwakes/) will be recording nightly throughout the Trieste Joyce School, filming volunteers who will perform a page of the Wake accompanied by their chosen piece of music. The project aims to set the entirety of the Wake to film in this format, making it accessible to a wider public. Finnegan Wakes has recorded over 800 melodic page performances around the world since 2016, waking the Wake’s words off the page.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 20-06-2019 - 16:09